Monday, July 6, 2020
Oh my sweet Grammy,
This is still so surreal and can't seem to wrap my head around this. Grammy was such a sweet woman, who had a heart of gold. My favorite memories are of doing crafts for Christmas with her. She would get all of us grandkids over for a day and we would make gifts for our parents. It was always so much fun. The cousins getting together with our Grammy & Papa.
As I got older, she would make me laugh when she took her teeth out, when she first got dentures. She would laugh at me for laughing at her voice. It was fantastic. I took her to get her nose pierced and everyone thought she was crazy. Grammy was young at heart and always could make me laugh.
I will miss her but am so happy she is reunited with my mom and brother. She will always be in my heart and memories.
I love you so much Grammy. Hug mom and Michael for me. I can't wait to see you all again.